There is only one planet Earth.
Excel is committed to social responsibility and environmental sustainability because we all share this one planet. We believe every person and organization should do their part to preserve it.

Excel acknowledges the three pillars of sustainable operations: environmental protection, social responsibility, and economic prosperity. Excel works to ensure that goods and services we procure support social responsibility, such as ensuring that working conditions are safe and fair, with no known forced labor, child labor, or human trafficking.
Excel also strives to create economic prosperity by promoting competitiveness, innovation, and entrepreneurship by supporting businesses of all sizes, including small businesses and businesses owned by marginalized groups.

In the area of environmental sustainability, we manage our carbon footprint by:
- Locating our headquarters within walking distance of public transit
- Supporting and promoting remote work to reduce the environmental impact of commuting
- Reducing waste, using biodegradable materials, and recycling
- Taking active steps to reduce our greenhouse gas emissions