Aloha Animal Sanctuary
We embrace the idea that humans, animals, the environment, and our health are all interconnected. This led us to support the Aloha Animal Sanctuary, the first non-profit sanctuary for farmed animals on the island of Oahu. Its mission is to positively affect the environment, community health, and animal welfare. Excel provides pro bono services in support of that mission. (Photo: Gwen (volunteer) and Jessica (co-founder) demonstrate compassion and selfless work in a natural environment. Excel believes in that.)
To learn more about the Aloha Animal Sanctuary, watch this video.

Veteran Mentorship
We have a special place in our hearts for those who are willing to put their lives on the line for this country and our ranks include veterans. After learning of challenges many veterans face when they transition from military service to the corporate workforce, we accepted an invitation to join American Corporate Partners with volunteer mentors. We’ve been mentoring veterans ever since. (Photo: After a career as a US Navy intelligence officer, Lieutenant Commander Val Collins is Excel’s Director of Continuity & Resiliency Programs.)