Youth with Technology and Innovation = Our future
Excel Technologies’ Role in STEM Camp June 2024, Pocatello, Idaho

Deb and her dog driving an RV

Youth with Technology and Innovation = Our future
Excel Technologies’ Role in STEM Camp June 2024, Pocatello, Idaho


The following is posted to summarize this summer’s impactful STEM Camp event.
~Excel Communications Team


Excel Technologies, LLC carries out work at the intersection of humanity and technology. Holding true to that outlook is the core of our corporate culture and motivation. In its most robust philanthropic effort this year, Excel travelled in June to Pocatello, Idaho, to show what technology can do to serve our communities in times of emergency.

Excel actively partnered with the US Forest Service and Idaho State University for a Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics (STEM) Camp, June 10-14. For Excel’s part, the scenarios and curriculum are particularly impactful to remote areas during natural disasters or other emergency response incidents.

Looking out the front window of an RV at the open road ahead

Benefitting from this effort were high school students from the Native American Shoshone-Bannock tribes. The youth who attended are often lacking in opportunities to keep pace with the rapid advances of modern technology. Their interest and enthusiasm to learn how to help their family and friends were impressive and touching.

The theme for the camp, conducted on ISU facilities, was “Ignite Their Future.” Excel’s goal was to inspire the students to consider various careers in the emergency services field. Impressed upon the camp attendees was the fact that emergency management has something for everyone. There are skills and abilities needed to help the community with any disaster that faces them. Based on early responses and enthusiasm from those participating, that goal was reached with resounding success.

According to Deb Yamanaka, Excel’s CEO, “This camp gives Excel an opportunity to give philanthropically and show students how they can apply technologies in a way that serves their communities. We are part of finding solutions that improve our national incident response.”

Deb sitting in the doorway of an RV

Map of USA with route marked between Herndon and Boise

The trip began in Herndon, Virginia and traversed approximately 2,140 miles to Pocatello, Idaho. Company leadership personally drove the cross-country trip in three mobile communication vehicles. The modified recreational vehicles are self-sufficient units with sleeping quarters, feeding and water capabilities, and showering facilities. They were designed to have minimal negative impact in the area we must locate and maximum positive impact with functionality and comfort. We are able to provide mobile response support to a community in need during a time of contingency. The vehicles don’t take away resources in the community we come to serve.

Two Excel RVs in a parking lot

Two parked RVs

The long journey in cumbersome vehicles to the STEM Camp itself (plus the return trip), had adventures best left for a separate volume of stories. Managing operability of portable generators, solar panels, road noise, erratic drivers on the highway, all contributed to the need for flexibility in schedules while the company had to continue its daily regimen in conducting business back home at corporate headquarters. Suffice it to say there were unforeseen challenges with managing the mobile team and its equipment. Harsh weather, logistics considerations, and an uncooperative solar panel were only part of the realities that faced our travelers. Yet, there are solid lessons learned on the business side of what can be viewed as an arduous endeavor.

Participating (a la Excel style) in the education event was worth the effort. The benefits resonate with Excel’s philanthropic endeavors as well as its vision for the betterment of the world we live in. We provide viable options for our youth (our future) and we enable government agencies to do their part in the heavy lifting. Win-win. The travelling team also reported that people along the way were friendly, cordial, and helpful. The integrity and hospitality of the American spirit is alive and well across this great country.

“It was refreshing and encouraging to encounter so many wonderful people as we proceeded to the STEM Camp site. It gave us even more motivation to do as much as we can to educate communities across the nation. We facilitate their realization that they can do great things with mobile communications and high-tech vehicles,” according to Yamanaka.

Other organizations and professionals collaborated with Excel to add key areas of instruction at the STEM Camp. Topics included everything from Technical and Crisis Communications to Psychological Impacts, Service Dog Roles, Environmental Impact, Firefighting, and the big one for Excel – Mobile Incident Response.

Cheryl speaking outside with Deb smiling in the background

Deb teaching in a classroom

Live student discussions in response to an Excel-led scenario of a disaster capped the week’s presentations. The entire effort was very well received by student participants and partnering host organizations.

Students listening on chairs in a parking lot

Showing walkie talkies to students

While the week was clearly enjoyable for all, Excel took great pride in being able to share how small communities can get immediate support in a disaster. Most people are familiar with state and federal response to a disaster, but they can take days to reach those in need. The first few hours in the affected community are the most critical ones. Excel’s mobile units are initially normal recreational vehicles, but Excel further designs, modifies and equips them with much more capable communications and power. Mobile self-sufficiency and flexibility are packaged into these vehicles. Thinking creatively with a sense of urgency becomes inherent to Excel’s mindset. The result is prompt support to the community. In the case of this STEM Camp, Excel was able to provide its expertise as its main philanthropic contribution of the year.

The RVs are just an example of ways to save a community much money and time when a life-saving response is needed and needed now. Action by governmental agencies can take an inordinate amount of time, money and logistical coordination. Mobile and self-sufficient capabilities with solar power, beds, and showers go a long way as the effects of the disaster unfold. Students saw this first-hand.

The learning experience the youths gained could be seen as heartfelt growth, especially when parents rejoined with their young ones at the culmination of the camp. There was a strong sense of inspiration to make a positive difference in the world. It was in the faces of the students, joyful tears on their parents’ faces, and in comments by the facilitators of the STEM Camp.

“One of the things you learn in emergency management early is that diversity is a key to strength and resiliency,” Yamanaka expressed. “Watching the students come together with their various interests and backgrounds showed they have what it takes to succeed.”

Deb demonstrating a walkie talkie

It was a unique opportunity for a young audience who do not have a chance to see the mobile technology that Excel demonstrated throughout the week. While these young people aspire to make a positive impact beyond the limits of their reservation life, their chances to move forward can seem stifled until they see the potential to contribute with technology and learning.

STEM students displaying their completion certificates

“We get to show what public and private partnership can look like by bringing resources together to help communities. At Excel, we hope our love of innovation shows we can all dream of a bright future and work together to make it happen,” Yamanaka concluded.


Excel Technologies, LLC is an SBA-certified Woman-Owned Small Business made up of highly-skilled professionals committed to delivering leading-edge information and mission solutions. We are honored that our work is a vital element of a much larger mission which enables a free and democratic society.

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